Love and Other Natural Disasters
Recent paintings by Michael Thrush
Art Opening: DEC 2 6-9P
Gallery Hours: WED/THU 3-7P & FRI/SAT 5-9P
[closed 12/22 to 12/25]
Post-pop artist Michael Thrush has his second one-person show at Rx after last year's acclaimed exhibition when all but 2 of the 15 large-scale works made their way into important collections around the world. Thrush embraces and perverts Pop art sensibilities to absurdist leaps of logic and hyper-surrealistic extremes. In over a dozen recent works, comics and icons of advertising culture lose their identity when freed from their duties to spread mass-consumption. As they become intertwined with other imagery and culture-jammed into obedient roles cast by the artist, a diabolic narrative resonates in the background which claims the death of these highly charged cultural forms while revealing their banal entropy and ambivalence at the same time.
Added by hellomynameis on November 10, 2005