Diamond Lounge @ White Trash Fast Food
CO-OP & BERLIN FESTIVAL präsentieren: LOVE & HATE" Live:
PITCHTUNER (doxa rec./berlin/dresden) http://www.pitchtuner.net/
http://www.transformerdiroboter.com/ Djs: LE HAMMOND INFERNO (bungalow
rec./berlin) http://www.bungalow.de/ MALENTE (moonbootique rec/unique
rec./münster) http://www.m-a-l-e-n-t-e.de/ DJ COOP
(love&hate/coop/rio) http://coop-entertainment.de/ MONSTERS OF ROCK
LOUNGE - THE TOP 100: 10 DJs spielen ihre 10 favorite Rock- und
Metalsongs & Ballads! ES LEGEN AUF: Conner (sweet machine), DJ Stupid
(cortina), Intergalactic Hufdisko (ponylounge), Johnny & Bride, Total
Eclipse Of The Heart, Das Dynamische Duo, Ace Of Space...!
Added by Berlinista.com on May 13, 2006