Opening reception July 23rd, 6-10pm; Closing reception Sept. 1st, 6-10pm, exhibit runs July 23 - Sept. 1
"Love and Anarchy," an art exhibition featuring works by Cece Carpio, Kira Curtis, Fernando Marti, and Jermaine Rogers.
An installation of indoor graffiti mural art, posters, paintings and prints celebrating all things that deviate, defy and yet carry each other.
We can define our days as we choose, and infuse the most fraught of situations with emotion. And out of that alchemy can come the transformation of a soul, a block, a city and beyond. In the works of Cece Carpio, Kira Curtis, Fernando Marti, and Jermaine Rogers, we see this kind of celebration of renegades, who resist the constructs of power but do so with all encompassing love that builds rather than tears down.
"Love and Anarchy" brings together four artists working in different mediums, each with their own unique and distinct styles, infusing and combining to create exciting visual, immersive narratives. "Love and Anarchy" explores these ideas through popular and accessible mediums including posters and mural graffiti. The works writing to ever present, universal themes of love and power.
The opening night reception will feature live music, film projection (Lina Mueller's 1973 film "Love and Anarchy") and other love harnessing and happily deviant activities. Please join us.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on June 29, 2011