Web 2.0 is coming to town and you’re invited to meet new people in a whole new and exciting way.
This isn’t speed dating.
This isn’t social networking.
This isn’t online dating 1.0.
We’re bringing together fabulous singles who are in and around Web 2.0 for a fun, casual way to expand your social graph – and maybe your dating graph too ;)
We’ve teamed up with Engage.com and planned a laid-back evening with one goal: meeting new people in a casual, yet elegant way. We’re all set for our kick-off party at Harlot, this Monday night, April 21st, at 8 p.m.
And, what better way to celebrate Web 2.0 than to feature some of the more prominent (and single) people helping to define the new Web. Tara Hunt, Pete Cashmore, Stephanie Agresta, Willo O’Brien, Aubrey Sabala, and many more!
Join us and bring your single and even "taken" friends. No, we're not encouraging anyone to cheat. At engage.com, TAKEN people play a role in helping their single friends find success in the relationship department. They're the wingman, matchmaker, and the advice giver -- it's all good.
There will be an open bar for a portion of the event.
Twitter it.
Facebook it.
Pownce it.
Get it on FriendFeed or Tumblr or talk about it on Seesmic.
Oh, and free t-shirts for the first 1,000 people!
The Who, What, Where, When, Why:
Who: Fabulous Singles and Their Friends Who Love Them
What: A Monday night kick-off event and videos throughout the week at Web2.0 Expo
Where: Harlot, 46 Minna St., San Francisco, http://www.harlotsf.com
When: Starts at Harlot on Monday night, April 21st at 8 pm
Why: Because we believe in Love 2.0!
PLUS, if you’re single happen to be at the Web 2.0 expo, come by and record a video with The TechSet . We’re meeting with interviews of the best and brightest SINGLES in social media sponsored by Engage throughout week. Send us a note to Stephanie Agresta, stephanie.agresta@gmail.com, to set up an appointment. She can help you get a discounted pass (or even a free pass) if you need one in order to come by to shoot your segment.
RSVP on Upcoming or on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=11322066771
Official Website: http://blog.engage.com/2008/04/18/join-us-for-love-20-this-monday/
Added by briansolis on April 18, 2008
oh shit, FABULOUS singles? Well I'm out. :-(
@TurkeyBot - have to agree with you there. What ever happened to hot nerdy girls and indie rock boys?
Full schedule of Web 2.0 Expo panels + parties: