Lounge Act with Matt and John is a different kind of comedy show. In a non-pretentious and laid-back atmosphere, the best comics in the country are able to perform without interruption, producing shows that defy the traditional comedy-club experience. Presented by Matt Ralston and John Sanders, Lounge Act is a show for people who frequent comedy clubs, and also those who have never before been to a show. We persuade meatheads to stay at home, but welcome everyone nonetheless.
Line Up for May 9th:
Host: Matt Ralston and John Sanders
Adam Norwest
Stephen Glickman
Asif Ali
Musical Guest: Shock G
Jesse Case
Darren Carter
Joe Rogan
***Line up Subject to Change***
Official Website: http://www.improv2.com/index.php
Added by Hollywood Improv on May 6, 2009