9:00 am. – University of New Orleans Chancellor Dr. Timothy Ryan introduces Sen. Landrieu
9:05 am. – Sen. Landrieu delivers opening remarks
9:15 am. – Panel #1: Coastal Protection, Levees and Infrastructure
Panelists (subject to change):
J. Richard Capka, Administrator of Federal Highways, U.S. Department of Transportation
Brigadier General Robert Crear, Commander, Mississippi Valley Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Randy Hanchey, Deputy Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
Carlton Dufrechou, Executive Director of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation
Jerome Zeringue, Executive Director of the Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District
Randy Roach, Mayor, City of Lake Charles
10:30 am. – Break
10:45 am. – Panel #2: Education
K-12 Panelists (subject to change):
Ollie Tyler, Louisiana Deputy Superintendent of Education
Paul Vallas, Recovery School District Superintendent
Doris Voitier, St. Bernard Parish Schools Superintendent
Matt Candler, CEO, New Schools for New Orleans
Linda Johnson, President, Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Higher Education Panelists (subject to change):
Dr. Norman Francis, President, Xavier University / LRA Chairman
Scott Cowan, President, Tulane University
Dr. Joseph Savoie, Louisiana Commissioner of Higher Education
Dr. Timothy Ryan, Chancellor, University of New Orleans
12:15 pm. – Lunch Break
1:00 pm. – Remarks by the Honorable Steven Preston, Administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration
1:15 pm. – Panel #3: Business Recovery
Panelists (subject to change):
Harry Alford, President & CEO, National Black Chamber of Commerce
Ronald N. Langston, National Director, Minority Business Development Agency
Darlene Kattan, Executive Director, Louisiana Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Andy Kopplin, Executive Director, Louisiana Recovery Authority
Eugene Cornelius, Louisiana District Director, U.S. Small Business Administration
Mark Drennen, President & CEO, Greater New Orleans, Inc.
Ernest Broussard, Executive Director of Planning & Development, Cameron Parish Recovery (AICP/CECD)
2:30 pm. – Break
2:45 pm. – Panel #4: Rebuilding the Criminal Justice System
Panelists (subject to change):
Jim Letten, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana
Warren Riley, Chief, New Orleans Police Department
Bob Stellingworth, New Orleans Police and Justice Foundation
Ruthie Frierson, Citizens for One Greater New Orleans
Mike Ranatza, Executive Director, Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice
Terry Ebbert, Director of Emergency Preparedness, City of New Orleans
4:00 pm. – Break
4:15 pm. – Panel #5: Housing and Sustainable Community Recovery
Panelists (subject to change):
James R. Kelly, CEO of Catholic Charities and Providence Community Housing.
Melissa Flournoy, President and CEO, Louisiana Association of Nonprofit Organizations
Milton Bailey, President, Louisiana Housing Finance Authority (LHFA)
Mtumshi St. Julien, President, N.O. Finance Authority
Reverend Marshall Truehill, Senior Pastor, First United Baptist Church
Ralph Boyd, Chairman, Freddie Mac Foundation
Ken Bacon, Executive Vice President, Fannie Mae
Elizabeth “Boo” Thomas, President and CEO, Center for Planning Excellence
Major General Hunt Downer, Assistant Adjutant General, Louisiana National Guard
5:30 pm. – Break
Presidential Forum
6:30 pm. – Remarks/Q & A: Sen. Edwards
Added by edtrelinski on August 17, 2007