880 Hampshire Road, Suites V&W
Westlake Village, California 91361

The Center for Spiritual Living, Westlake Village is pleased to present a FREE concert for PEACE on Wednesday, January 14th at 7:00 p.m. Jazz pianist extraordinaire, Louis Landon, tickles the ivories for your delight as he spreads his musical mission of peace.

As part of the annual SEASON FOR NON-VIOLENCE campaign, the Center is starting Peace off with this concert to delight the senses while enlightening the mind.
A Season for Nonviolence, January 30 - April 4, is a national 64-day educational, media, and grassroots campaign dedicated to demonstrating that nonviolence is a powerful way to heal, transform, and empower our lives and our communities. Inspired by the 50th and 30th memorial anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., this international event honors their vision for an empowered, nonviolent world.

Landon is among the hardest working of performing and recording artists in the United States. He tours nationally as a soloist developing his audience by posting free improvisations for peace on Myspace. So committed to the prospect of peace, Louis is posting a free peace improv each day until the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are finally over. The popularity of this concept is the premise of his next solo release "Improvs for Peace" slated for release in 2009.

Peacekeeper is the muse most recently peering over Landon's shoulder as he upholds a passionate belief that music is the most significant and likely medium to bring peace and harmony to a weary, and war-torn world. He realized a few years ago, stylistically it's his own music - the solo compositions that bring him so much joy and peace - that resonates deeply with his audience. This awareness combined with his philosophical ideals motivates him down a path actively seeking truths believed to be held self-evident: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Composer, Pianist, Recording Artist
"… indeed meditative and mellow, [he] sacrifices no musical rigor to achieve those ends. With
backgrounds in jazz, Latin music, rock, pop, film composing, and classical piano, Louis brings
his breadth and depth of experience to bear here. His playing and compositions are sensitive as
they are complex and… a diverse range of influences is more than apparent.”
Keyboard Magazine

"He has a gift for composition that is second to none."
New Age Reporter

"…for those who like their solo piano music rich and full."
Wind & Wire”

Instrumental music is so powerful its interpretation is left to individual discretion as no two
people hear music in exactly the same way. That composers intend their music to speak for itself
is no accident, as excellence is a matter of intention. The most definitive bodies of instrumental
music incorporate various influences that have evolved through the ages and resonate with
sophisticated audiences in such a manner a wide variety of listeners embrace the emotional intent

Solo pianist and composer, Louis Landon from Chestnut Ridge, New York, has dedicated his life
to music. His career has taken him around the world playing a variety of styles with some of the
most recognized names in the entertainment industry. Yet, not long ago, Landon realized that his
own music the
solo compositions that bring him so much joy and peace could surely bring joy
and particularly peace to millions around the world who struggle to cope as unwitting witnesses
to unnecessary destruction.
Landon's seventh CD, and second solo piano release "Peace Revolution" launched earlier this
year, and continues to receive radio airplay worldwide. He's been interviewed on several NPR
stations in support of "Peace Revolution" coinciding with critically favorable reviews of the 12track
CD. His first solo piano CD, "unwind" rose to No. 3 on the NAR charts and was
nominated for Best CD of 2006, and Best Solo Piano CD of 2006 in the New Age Reporter
Lifestyle Awards.

To further his efforts as a peacekeeper and one man making a difference, on June 2, 2008
Landon began recording and posting Improvs for Peace to Myspace, which he intends to
continue doing until the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are over. Landon posts free downloads of
the Improvs on the news section of his website: http://www.louislandon.com/news.php . In four
month's time, the idea has gained great popularity as a grassroots effort and thousands of
downloads and plays of his music are accumulating worldwide. As of November 1st, 2008, 87
Improvs have been created, over 7 hours of music! Improvs for Peace support Landon's fervent
notion that music can bring peace to the world. He writes in his mission statement and the
closing to all correspondence: Love and Peace Always and Everywhere.
Location: CSL Westlake Village, California: Sanctuary
Contact: Linda Ruoho (805) 495-0105

Official Website: http://www.cslwestlake.org/component/option,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,25/year,2009/month,01/day,14/Itemid,1/catids,13|14|16/

Added by louislandon on December 30, 2008