Loud Objects with Ensemble Pamplemousse at Clover's Fine Art
Sunday, March 21, 2010
6PM, $10
Clover's Fine Art Gallery
338 Atlantic Ave (between Smith and Hoyt)
Brooklyn, NY 11201
A/C/G to Hoyt-Schermerhorn, or 2/3 to Hoyt, or F to Bergen, or B/M/Q/R to Dekalb Ave, or 4/5 to Borough Hall
The Loud Objects create electronic noise with minimal components: microchips, a power jack, an audio jack, and wire. The group solders custom audio circuits live, creating audible fluctuations of electricity with these bare elements. Gradually building a complex sound circuit, they present electronic music in a form closer to a physical instrument than a laptop. Their performances invite the audience to bear conscious witness to each musical gesture: the addition of a microchip; the soldering of an output pin to the audio jack.
Ensemble Pamplemousse presents BLOCKS: Revisited. Loud Objects opens. Like Buckminster Fuller, reversible sweaters, or Mr. Potato Head, Ensemble Pamplemousse's BLOCKS are a rearrangeable construction of elements. Prefab modules by the six composers are reconfigured into new structures of sonic architecture. As each block maintains its own internal logic, the listener is pulled forward through the linear unfolding of time. Intertwining patterns of material emerge and dissolve, connect, obstruct, and confer with each other, unveiling new angles of hearing each sonic unit.
- Loud Objects (http://www.loudobjects.com)
- Ensemble Pamplemousse (http://www.ensemblepamplemousse.org)
More Information:
- Contact Email: noise@loudobjects.com
- Contact Telephone: (917) 690-4991
- Venue Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=338%20Atlantic%20Ave%2C%20Brooklyn%2C%20NY%20(Clover's%20Fine%20Art%20Gallery)
- Photo:
Added by Tristan Perich on March 19, 2010