The Director of up-and-coming indie feature "Lost In Sunshine", Jentri Chancey, invited Kimberlie Dykeman as a featured guest in the movie’s newly launched Sunny Side Up web series. Chancey found out about the TV Host and author through her publisher and thought Dykeman would provide the perfect enlightening conversation on the topic of destiny, a central theme to the movie itself. Lost In Sunshine's, Sunny Side Up series features vignettes and short interviews with people of diverse backgrounds on themes related to the upcoming film.
The entertaining and through-provoking chat between Chancey and Dykeman will be featured May 21, 2010 and indefinitely posted on the Lost In Sunshine and the Lost In Sunshine Channel on YouTube.
Chancey and the producer Lorie Marsh have tapped the power of social media through the film’s website, a major tool for cumulative promotion and PR. The idea being, invite the future audience members to grow with the movie watching the life span of its funding, creation and ultimate distribution, and participate with feedback.
About "Lost in Sunshine": a story about love, loss and finding stillness and light in a seemingly dark world of unruly. It deals with the emotional baggage we all carry around with us at some point in our lives. But, it's funny, too. Mostly, because life is funny. Really funny, even when it's not supposed to be.
About Kimberlie Dykeman:
She is an On-Camera Personality and Executive Producer, Lifestyle Coach and Motivation Speaker, International Spokesperson, and Author. Over the past dozen years, Dykeman pioneered a groundbreaking system of lifestyle coaching, emerged as a multi-faceted on-camera talent and expert, and launched her first book, PURE SOAPBOX, based on her internationally followed SOAPBOX® motivational vignettes. Combining these diverse backgrounds with rugged street smarts and unyielding motivation, Dykeman has evolved her grand goals into a tangible conglomerate multimedia entity, tapping the cumulative influence of radio, TV, online, print and mobile to touch audiences worldwide with positive messaging. She continues to blaze a bold path through the worlds of global entertainment, publishing and personal development, and seizes every opportunity to entertain, enlighten, and uplift millions of people. She is a motivator and entertainer for our times. A woman on a mission! and
Official Website:
Added by KimberlieDykeman on May 17, 2010