Inspired by real-life cases and the Spanish-exile director's impressions of his new country, Los Olvidados is Luis Bunuel's bleak account of Mexico City street kids who prey on those even less fortunate than themselves to survive.
Denounced on its release by both the Mexican elite (for the film's depiction of the country?s underclass) and reformers (because of Bunuel's surrealistic flourishes), the film received grudging accolades after receiving the Best Director prize at the Cannes Film Festival.
The Village Voice's J. Hoberman calls it "a masterpiece of social surrealism...strong enough to make a hardened Communist cry or drive a (true) Christian to despair." The alternate "happy" ending, which the producer added to soften the film, will be shown at the conclusion. (85 mins.)
Added by muness on July 14, 2005