Los Angeles Premiere! TRUTH IN NUMBERS? EVERYTHING, ACCORDING TO WIKIPEDIA, 2010, Underdog Pictures, 85 min. Directors Scott Glosserman and Nic Hill engagingly explore the history and cultural implications of one of the most traveled and referenced sites on the Internet: Wikipedia.com. The user-generated encyclopedia’s impact on archiving, learning and our perception of facts is discussed in fascinating interviews with everyone from founder Jimmy Wales to former CIA director James Woolsey to writer Noam Chomsky to commentators suspicious of the site’s supposed neutrality. Be prepared to look at your favorite guilty non-secret reference site in a completely different way!
Discussion following with directors Scott Glosserman and Nic Hill, and Andrew Lih, author of The Wikipedia Revolution.
Book signing and an in-house Wikipedia edit session across the street at Every Picture Tells A Story after the Q&A.
Official Website http://truthinnumbersthemovie.com/
Official Website: http://www.americancinematheque.com/Aero/aeromastercalendar.htm
Added by AmericanCinematheque on February 7, 2011