920 Santa Monica Blvd
Santa Monica, California 90401

The Los Angeles MBA Admissions Workshop is a three-hour session that will introduce attendees to the critical components of the MBA application process. Attendees will leave knowing what they need to do to maximize their changes of getting into the best business school program possible.

As MBA deadlines loom this is your chance to nail down your application and approach to your essays.

Significant time and focus will be paid to the common MBA essay types. Attendees will learn how to construct impactful MBA application essays through a step by step writing process. Handouts will be also be provided covering the topics discussed in the Workshop.

Our next Workshop is 1 PM to 4 PM on Saturday, Dec 4 and will cover the following areas:

* Overview of the MBA Application Process and the critical nature of the GMAT
* How to Get the Right Recommendation
* Timing the MBA Applications - Round 1 vs. Round 2 vs Round 3
* Full-time vs. Part-time vs. Executive MBA Programs
* School Selection, School Visits and MBA Program Fit
* Nuances of the MBA Interview and Resume
* Overview of the common MBA Application Essay Themes - Career Goals, Significant Leadership, Failure/Mistake, Personal Values and Beliefs, "Creative" expression essays.
* Avoiding common mistakes and pitfalls when filling out the final MBA application.
* Considerations for MBA Re-applicants and the Waitlist
* Q&A

This meetup's organizer and host, Paul Lanzillotti, is a 2004 UCLA Anderson graduate, a current MBA Admissions Consultant, a former MBA admissions interviewer, a former Kaplan GMAT instructor, a former IT and management consultant and mechanical engineer.

The group welcomes any new members and attendees to our next session. We look forward to seeing you at our new Santa Monica location.

* Coloft (http://www.coloft.com...)
* 920 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica, Ca 90401
* Free parking located behind Coloft.
* Google Map - Coloft

There is a $20 charge for this event to cover the cost of the meeting room, meeting handouts and Meetup fees.

You must RSVP through the http://LA-mba.org site to attend. Reserve your spot online at http://www.la-mba.org/.

In order to ensure a quality experience, space is also limited to 25 attendees. Reserve your spot online at http://www.la-mba.org/calendar/15493519/.

Official Website: http://www.la-mba.org

Added by paullanz on March 22, 2009

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