The Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra proudly presents Buster Keaton’s hilarious silent comedy, The Cameraman (1928). The movie follows Buster Keaton as he sets out to impress a pretty office worker at MGM Newsreels by trading in his tintype operation for a movie camera to compete with the big boys. The Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra performs the world premiere of Timothy Brock’s original musical score, courtesy of the Rigler-Deutsch Foundation. In addition to Buster Keaton’s The Cameraman, we are happy to announce the showing of Walt Disney’s Alice’s Wild West Show (1924). This short black and white silent film combines live action with animation as Alice puts on a show for the neighborhood kids of her wild west adventures. Everything goes well until the local bully, Tubby O’Brien, shows up… Ticket prices are $35 for general seating, $75 for priority seating, and $300 for film seating and dinner. For more information or to buy tickets, call Jacquie, Marcella or Laura in the box office at 213 622 7001 × 215.
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Added by LACO on April 5, 2010