11903 Eastex Fwy
Houston, Texas 77039

Red Bull Soundclash is an unparalleled live musical conversation performance between two bands with diverse sounds, styles and creativity. This is the ultimate musical battle.

Los Amigos Invisibles vs. Plastilina Mosh

Join Host El Chamo from Tu Musica 104.9FM as these two bands battle for your grace. Which band will be the best to anticipate the other? Which band will have the stamina to keep going? The audience decides who the winner will be.

Tickets: This is a FREE event.
Doors open: 8pm
Show starts: 10pm

Register for Tickets Here!:

Band fan pages:
Los Amigos Invisbles: http://www.facebook.com/losamigosinvisibles
Plastilina Mosh http://www.facebook.com/plastilinamosh

Escapade 2001 Facebook:

Escapade 2001 MySpace:

Escapade 2001 Twitter:

Official Website: http://redbullsoundclashusa.com

Added by Escapade Entertainment on October 2, 2009