FIND YOUR VALENTINE atop the 21st floor penthouse at the fabulous ELEVATE LOUNGE overlooking the city lights with a 360 degree view of beautiful downtown LA.
***FREE Sushi Appetizers
***FREE chances to win great prizes including VIP club passes, cash, spa packages, Vegas hotel packages and much, much more!
***FREE admission to the exclusive dance club after the party! ($20 value)
***Fantastic Martinis!
***50/50 gender mix of professionals only!
***Plenty of parking and $7.00 valet service too!
A packed lounge full of professionals between the ages of 21 and 45 and a gender-mix that is equally balanced, 50/50. It's a classy happy hour event with a very interesting and ingenious TWIST...
All the ladies wear a lock and every gent gets a golden key.
Your goal: Match the right locket with the right key. The more matches you find, the better your chances for love and great prizes too!
Tickets at the door are $35. Doors open at 8pm. Doors close at 8:30pm.
GO TO WWW.MOSHEE.NET/events-and-ticketsFC.html
If you missed our Chocolate and Wine party last month, then you don't want to miss this! This is your chance to see the transformation of downtown LA for yourself!
$22.00 in advance. $35 at the door.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on January 24, 2008