6037 Franconia Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22310

We are glad you found us! If you drive on Franconia Road on a regular basis, you can't help but notice how many churches dot the landscape. But...Franconia United Methodist Church is the place where there are no strangers! You are probably thinking, "Oh, all churches say that." Well, we mean it! Perhaps you are searching for something more in your life. In the midst of all that is available to us, life can still feel empty. Many are hurting and longing for a loving healthy relationship. We offer you our friendship and support. And we offer you Jesus Christ.

Franconia United Methodist Church, 6037 Franconia Road, Alexandria, VA, is located at the corner of Beulah and Franconia, next to the Franconia Elementary School, convenient to the Fairfax Connector routes 231, 232, and 310. Our Sunday Services are at 8:30 and 11:00 am, our Sunday School (for all ages) at 9:45, and childcare is available 8:15-12:15. Our church is handicapped accessible, and assisted listening devices are available. Contact us at 703 971-5151 or admin@franconiaumc.org, and http://www.franconiaumc.org.

Come out and see us next Sunday. We will be glad to meet you!

Official Website: http://www.franconiaumc.org

Added by FUMC Pub on January 16, 2011