Welcome to the Look Good... Feel Better Women's Trade Show, one of the largest and most important and attractive professional event for the Hair, Health, Beauty, Fitness Trade Show presented in honor of cancer survivors.
Visit More Than- 350+ exhibits from industries of Hair Salons, Professional Hair Stylist, Healthcare Clinics, Fitness, Retail, Designer Handbags, Jewelry, House ware Products, Cosmetic, Weight Clinics, Healthcare, Medical Wigs, Permanent Make-up, Hair Replacement, Cooking-Personal Chefs, House-Keeping Services, Home Healthcare, Nutritional Services, Fitness Clubs, Personal Trainers, Cosmetic Surgeons, Health Supplements, Organic Markets, Foot Care, Meals on Wheels, Green Living, Medi- Spas, Message Therapy, Dermatology, Java Juice, Plastic Surgeons, Day Spas, Skin treatment, Designer dresses, Hair Extensions, Detoxification, Water purification, Eye Lash Extensions, Botox Injection, Yoga & Palliates Instructors, Spiritual Holistic, Retail Wholesalers, Manufactures and much more.
Meet Our Professionals- From the moment the attendees enter to LGFB workshops, attendees will be embraced by an atmosphere of professionals who give their time to educate women on skincare, hair replacements and cosmetic/ make up applications. Each workshop last 45 minutes and are conducted by licenses trained Professionals. Groups of up to 10 attendees will be invited to each of the 45 sessions.
LGFB Nutritional Workshop- LGFB Nutritional Workshop, provides cooking classes is designed by physicians, nutrition experts, and registered dietitians, each class includes information about how certain foods and nutrients work to promote or discourage cancer growth, along with cooking demonstrations of simple and healthy recipes that can be recreated easily at home. The class series covers a variety of cancer-related nutrition topics and demonstrates how to prepare several meals loaded with antioxidants and phytochemicals, high-fiber and low-fat foods, and healthy dairy alternatives. The series also provides information on planning meals and maintaining a healthy weight.
Skincare Workshop-LGFB Skincare Workshop, provides hands on educational services to attendees concerning creams, used for sensitive and dry skin for women who have experienced a medical illness or chemotherapy treatments. The skincare workshop which pairs each participant with a specially trained and certified cosmetician as they learn about hygiene, caring for the skin and sun protection due to weakened immune systems the necessity of handling cosmetics with extra care to avoid the possibility of infection is stressed. The fun begins as they are taken through hands on 12 step program designed to help them Look Good and Feel Better.
Hair Replacement Workshop- LGFB Hair Replacement Workshop, will provide attendees with educational materials about lace front wigs and medial wigs. The workshop will include the demonstration and training for adhesive applications, cap construction, lace materials, and style techniques for women who have experienced hair loss due to a medical related illness or alopecia. Lace front wigs will be donated to ten models displaying before and after of the application of the lace front wigs, for their participation in the workshop. The hair workshop will be conducted for the entire three days of the trade show by licensed trained professionals.
Cosmetic Workshop- LGFB Cosmetic Workshop, is a hands-on educational workshop specifically designed to improve the quality of life of women who have experienced a cancer related illness by helping restore lost confidence and self esteem to those women who are dealing with the appearance related side effects of cancer treatment. Everything from concealed that corrects the look of broken capillaries and dark under eye shadows to foundation that evens out blotchy skin tones to the final touch of lip liner and lipstick that brightens the face are skillfully. During the three day workshop, attendees are shown by trained cosmetic professionals how to cope with the physical side effects of their treatment, such as dry flaking skin and pigmentation changes. They are taken through a step by step skincare regime and given guidance on how to apply cosmetics to help camouflage loss of eyebrows, eyelashes and skin color fluctuations.
A percentage of the registration feeswill be donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation- for the Cure.
Organized by Hair, Health, Beauty & Fitness NetworkLook Good...Feel Better Trade Show is presented in Honor of Cancer Survivors Show Presenter:Epremier, LLC& Co-Partner"The Hair, Health, Beauty & Fitness Network"
Ticket Info: - Look Good Feel Better Trade Show Entrance Ticket, $10.99
- Small Business Line Exhibitors 10x10 Space Booth, $1,295.00
- Small Business Corner Booth 10x10 Space, $1,504.95
- Corporate Exhibitors 10x10 Booth Space, $2,509.95
- Non Profit 10x10 Booth Space- Must have 501c3 - Tax Exemption Letter, $804.95
- Food Court 15x30 Booth Space, $1,904.95
- Island Space 20x10 Booth Space, $4,809.95
- Island Space 20x20 Booth Space, $4,859.95
- Hair Replacement Hands-on Workshop, $25.99
- Skincare Workshop, $25.99
- Cosmetic Hands-on Workshop, $25.99
- Nutritional Workshop, $25.99
Official Website: http://lookgoodfeelbetter-upcoming.eventbrite.com