Long Wait for Home
A movie screening with Director, Dr. Changfu Chang
April 25, 200910am to 12:30pm
Sign in will begin at 9:30am; film begins promptly at 10am. Light refreshments will be availble for purchase.$10 per person for current FCCA members$15 per person if not a current memberPay at-the-door is $20 per person if space allows
For On-line Registration: www.longwaitforhome.eventbrite.com Please Note: This is an adults only event.
Location: University of Georgia-Gwinnett
2530 Sever Rd., Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Please note that this address is not accurately displayed on mapping programs.
Questions: Please contact Betsy at
The FILMInternational adoption has increasingly become a national phenomenon in the United States. Despite a surge in media coverage ofadoptions from China, there are many unanswered questions: Who are the birth parents and under what circumstances do they decide to give away their babies? How do children end up in orphanages and what kinds of lives do they live there? Moreover, with so many foreigners going to China to pick up these Chinese babies, what do the average Chinese people feel and think aboutAmericans and international adoption? To answer these questions, Dr. Changfu Chang presents this widely acclaimed documentary, a work of five dedicated years,Long Wait For Home. For the first time, we sit face to face with birth parents who share with us the hard decisions they have made and the emotional toll they have suffered; we go to orphanages and take an intimate look at the living conditions of childrenusually inaccessible to film crews; we converse with ordinary Chinese citizens and scholars on the subject ofinternational adoption.
Immediately following the screening ofLong Wait For Home will be a discussion with filmmaker, Dr. Changfu Chang. He will share with us his experience of developing the film, difficult editorial decisions, and his most current work on the "meanings" of birth parents and search from the perspective of three teenagers. Dr. Changs films, including Long Wait for Home, Love Without Boundaries, and Peer in the Distance will be available for purchase at a discount following the screening and discussion. For more information about Dr. Changs documentaries, please see the following website:
This event isco-sponsored by the University of Georgia, School of Social Work.
Organized by Families with Children from China, Atlanta ChapterFamilies with Children from China, Atlanta Chapter, is a group of families with children adopted from China. The group is open to anyone with a shared interest in adoption and/or China.
Ticket Info: - FCCA Member Price, $10.99
- Non-Member Price, $15.99
Official Website: http://longwaitforhome-upcoming.eventbrite.com