We always have a lot of new faces and of course the faithful returning. There is such a variety of professions and businesses available in our group, that there is ALWAYS the possibility of a connection between two or more members.
Please, do not think that attending just once, will be enough to get your and your business name out there. Each month new people attend and besides that the more we see you, the more we remember you ;-) Join us at the meetings again and again.
TUESDAY April 14th is the next meeting (at Sergio’s in Massapequa)
Sign In at the front table as you enter. Our agenda is to start with a round of introductions. A RAFFLE with little gifts is always included. One of the members will hold a workshop. At the end of the meeting, after the workshop, you will have plenty of time to mingle and network amongst each other. So, don't run out after the last speaker has told his/her story.
Muhammed Farooq 631-559-5103
"Retirement in this Volatile Market" Many business owners and professionals want to eventually retire but many of them probably aren't sure if they would have enough funds to retire - http://www.newyorklife.com/
WASHINGTON (AP) - Americans' retirement plans have lost as much as $2 trillion in the past 15 months, about 20 percent of their value, Congress' top budget analyst estimated as lawmakers began investigating how turmoil in the financial industry is whittling away workers' nest eggs.
Any one who feels he/she has something to teach us, an interesting subject to talk about or a business we should know more about, feel free to email me. These workshops are NOT sales talks. I expect you to provide general information on a subject that is interesting to the group and on which you are an expert. I will give you 15 minutes to educate us.
What should you bring? First and foremost, prepare a 30 to 60 second commercial about you and your business. The intention to have fun and meet good people. And Business cards, lots of them (at least 50!!).
If you want to OFFER A RAFFLE PRIZE for the monthly drawing, you will get your name and your website listed on all 3 main MEETUP group web pages. You can donate a product, but also a service or a discount on your service. This is EXPOSURE to 600+ members of the 3 groups for you and your business.
Send me an email if you are the organizer of an event, fair, fundraiser, etc. I will be happy to post it so everyone can benefit from it.
Take a look at your day planner and if Tuesday evening, April 14th is still open, write down LONG ISLAND ENTREPRENEURS MEETUP right now.
See you soon,
Yvonne Bisk
Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/LongIslandEntrepreneurs/
Added by lientrepreneurs on April 10, 2009