8:00 pm, Friday, January 26, 2007
8:00 pm, Saturday, January 27, 2007
@The Warhol
Tickets: $18; Members and Students $15
Gregg Whelan and Gary Winters formed Lone Twin in 1997 to work with performance on ideas of place, context and orientation. The company has since created an internationally celebrated body of work, with regular showings across Europe, North America and Australia. Their work ranges from context-specific works lasting many days to gallery, studio and stage performances.
Lone Twin return to Pittsburgh after delighting audiences as a part of the Fall '04 Festival of Firsts with their lecture/performance, Walk With Me, and Clouds Over the Warhol, a site-specific walking tour along the Allegheny River, from The Warhol to the Point.
Their new work Nine Years drawn from extensive video documentation and will re-present, re-negotiate and re-contextualize their performance work to date in an attempt to survey the route taken and to assess the road ahead.
"They come from England. Bewildered, hopeful, dogged. I expect they could read the phone book and be funny."
--Chris Rawson, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
also, a quote from my friend:
pxbrgh dudes, go see lonetwin at the warhol on friday (or if you must, saturday) evening. its seriously super touching.
also, they have a website:
Official Website: http://www.warhol.org/whats_on/otw2007/OTW2007_1.html
Added by jonbro on January 24, 2007