36 Southwark Bridge Road
London, England SE1 9EU

London Wiki Wednesdays are held once every two months on the first Wednesday of each month. The main purpose is for people to get together to share their experiences with, or learn about, wikis and social media. Attendees include developers, bloggers, entrepreneurs, consultants, educationalists, project managers, accountants in practice, deal makers - anyone interested in social software, web 2.0 and how these technologies can be put to use in organisations.

For details of past events, and to join the London Wiki Wednesdays social network, go to: http://londonwikiwednesdays.com

The venue, food and drink are provided by a different sponsor each time who gets some PR and link love in return . Everybody who wants to gets a chance to present on the topic of their choice for no more than 5 minutes, with up to 5 minutes of questions. We're always on the lookout for a sponsor for upcoming meetings, so please contact David Terrar (dt at d2c dot org dot uk) if you are interested.

This event is kindly sponsored by Conchango. As well as the 5 minute presentations from the audience, we will have a speaker from Microsoft on the wiki capabilities of SharePoint, and a speaker leading a discussion on the cultural impact of wikis in organisations.

This is a free event. Book your place here, but also add your details to the Event Homepage wiki

Official Website: http://www.eu.socialtext.net/wikiwed/index.cgi?london_wikiwed_6_june_2007

Added by david_terrar on April 26, 2007



If your are attending, please make sure you add your name over on the event wiki, as well as joining our new Ning social network. Thanks!