What does good code look like? The best way to learn is to regularly review code.
In this hands-on session for the London Software Craftmanship Community we'll work in small groups to review code and potentially make it better. Come along and share your ideas about how code could be improved and learn from others what they look for in good code.
If you've got some code you're happy to share with a group, bring it along, otherwise you can provide feedback on other people's code. Don't be shy - the goal is to provide constructive feedback not criticism - there's always something each of us can learn to improve our craft; This is a great opportunity to show a group of passionate individuals your work and get feedback on how it might be improved. This is a language agnostic session, so feel free to bring your code in whatever language you have written it.
Official Website: http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/agile-testing/lscc-code-review/js-1641
Added by skills.matter on September 15, 2011