Gaming is increasingly influencing non-game applications on web and mobile sites alike.
Whether you’re a newcomer or a long-runner in the tech business world, you’ve heard of the term ‘funware’, used to describe the applications that are the end product of the process of gamification. We all regularly use funware without even realizing it, whether we’re collecting loyalty card points on a night out at our favourite restaurant, improving our seller rating on eBay or becoming the mayor of our local coffee shop on Foursquare.
In other words, gamified applications typically function as reward systems for consumers, earning the customer’s brand loyalty. So as a tech company you’re highly likely to be looking into how to make use of game play mechanics to build funware on your own site. Even if you’ve already installed funware on your site, you’ll be looking at how you can improve and evolve it.
Make no mistake that gamification is a trend that’s hotting up—and fast. With social gaming now a billion dollar industry, its development of game play mechanics is just going to keep on growing, which means that the resource pool for companies looking to gamify their sites is going to keep increasing too.
If you’re into Gaming or want to develop the next big game the July meetup of the London Silicon Roundabout Group is the place to be.
Added by on June 16, 2011