Our May meeting has two talks:
* Dan Lucraft telling us about ruby profilers in general, and his jruby-prof gem in specifics.
* Makoto Inoue talking about Tokyo Cabinet
John Leach was going to give us a version of his "UNIX: Rediscovering The Wheel" talk but he's had to pull out.
More details on these talks can be found at: http://lrug.org/meetings/2010/04/28/may-2010-meeting/
After the talks (finishing at about 8pm) we'll head to The Slaughtered Lamb for a drink or two to relax.
NOTE: You must register with our hosts Skills Matter if you are planning to come. http://skillsmatter.com/event/ajax-ria/may-2010-lrug-meeting
NOTE 2: Please notice the different start time. For this meeting we start at 7, not 6:30 like usual.
Official Website: http://lrug.org/meetings/2010/04/28/may-2010-meeting/
Added by h-lame on April 28, 2010