2 talks during the event:
Tom Armitage with "Settling New Caprica: getting your pet project off the ground." and Tim Becker with "Monkeyweaving: Live Native Monkeypatching."
1 pub after the event:
The Crown Tavern (http://fancyapint.com/pubs/pub199.html)
NOTE: Registration with Skills Matter if you plan on coming along is pretty much mandatory nowadays. This helps them organise a larger venue if we need it (which we have for the past few meetings). Help them organise a bigger room and avoid being stopped at the door by signing up here: http://skillsmatter.com/event/ruby-on-rails/london-ruby-user-group-may-meeting
Official Website: http://lrug.org/meetings/2008/04/24/may-2008-meeting
Added by h-lame on April 24, 2008