Lightning Talks, Lightning talks,
Does whatever a normal talk does,
Proves a point,
Shows a slide,
Just does it quicker, so you don't get bored.
Watch out! Here come the lightning talks.*
This month we're having 8 to 10 speakers giving lightning talks in the 20 slides of 20 seconds each format. There is more information about who the speakers are and the topics on the lrug website:
As usual we'll head to the pub after the meeting for a chat and a pint.
You must register with our venue Skills Matter to be sure of getting in on the night. You do this via their website: The venue can usually only hold 80 people and we've had to turn people away in the past if they haven't signed up due to reaching capacity. However, if people sign up early Skills Matter can book another larger room as we reach the 80 person limit.
* sung to the Spider-Man theme tune... obviously
Official Website:
Added by h-lame on January 25, 2008