1 Sekforde Street, EC1R 0BE
London, England

Frederik Fix talks about ruby2ruby and ParseTree and topping it all off with a rails plugin for trranslating ruby into javascript. Then Jay Phillips, fresh from Ruby Hoedown shows off Adhearsion, a VoIP application in ruby. Then we bunk off to the local pub.

Stephen Bartholomew's StaticMatic talk has been postponed until next month to make way for Jay who is only over for one meeting.

More details on the LRUG website.

Please register with Skills Matter if you are planning on attending, that way they can sort out the seating and room sizes: http://www.skillsmatter.com/menu/719

Official Website: http://lrug.org/

Added by h-lame on July 23, 2007



I keep missing these. I'll be in Istanbul this time. Hopefully, make it for the next one or LRUG nights!


can't make this... next one