On Saturday May 11th 2013, the Association of Radical Booksellers will be hosting a new radical bookfair, to take place in London’s Conway Hall. The idea behind the fair is to create an event which showcases the depth and breadth of radical publishing and bookselling in the UK. The ARB is composed of booksellers with a range of subject interests, including socialism, anarchism, peace/pacifism, sex & gender, environment, anti-racism and progressive children’s writing: we intend for the London Radical Bookfair to represent the full spectrum of radical publishing.
The event will culminate with the announcement of the winner of the ARB’s book prize for the best political non-fiction, The Bread and Roses Award for Radical Publishing. This year for the first time the Bread and Roses award will be complimented by a new prize, The Little Rebels Award, to be given for the best piece of fiction for readers aged 0-12 years.
As well as the bookfair in the main hall, we will be hosting talks in the Brockway Room throughout the day, with short-listed authors from the two book prizes presenting and discussing their work.
Entrance to the fair will be free for all. Food and drink will be available.
There will be lots of information about the fair and book awards to follow. An announcement for how to get involved in the fair, either as a stall holder or as a volunteer, will be made soon.
In the meantime if you would like to speak to someone about this event, please contact nik[at]housmans.com or phone 020 7837 4473.
Directions and accessiblity: http://tinyurl.com/location110513
Official Website: http://londonradicalbookfair.wordpress.com/
Added by Housmans Bookshop on April 4, 2013