Hopkins Street (corner of Peter Street), Soho, W1F 0HS
London, England

FREE (but pre-registration is required - email insync@westking.ac.uk to reserve your place)

‘Play Time!’ is a one-day series of presentations, performances, web & mobile interactions and walk-in workshops focusing on the role of games and play in all of our lives. The aim of the day is to not only introduce us to the many different types of play that can occur away from the console, but also to demonstrate how emerging web and mobile technologies are changing opportunities for serious and not-so-serious play; embedding gameplay into our lives and empowering artists and audiences alike to create and manipulate digital content in ever more playful and culturally significant ways.

Throughout the day audiences hear from people who are already thinking about games and play in new and non-conventional ways, including digital artists, cultural theorists, developers, performers and technicians. This is a fantastic opportunity to consider play as a discipline, as a craft and as a process. You’ll learn how to play with the latest web and mobile technologies and look at user generated content in a creative, cultural, and audience-led context. For anyone who wants to understand and get into blogging, podcasting, social networks, flickr-type photo albums, tagging, Bluetoothing and so on, this is the day for you.

Take a few minutes out of your day to submit content and play games that will help with Play Time’s curator, Tim Wright’s ‘space mission’ – and perhaps even earn yourself a seat on the virtual rocket that Tim is starting to build. Become part of an ongoing collaborative narrative that will lead... who knows where?

Official Website: http://www.londongamesfestival.co.uk/Custom/EventDetail.aspx?ID=102

Added by shrinkwrapped on October 3, 2006

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