Lead by highly respected games designer and lecturer Ernest Adams. Special festival fee of £99 + vat, this event is part of our Heroes, Movie-Stars and Millionaires Series.
It’s no secret that the best selling and most played games have great design. Design is the key to creating empathy with the player. Empathy supports you as a game hero in reaching your goal. Great game design embodies empathy, compelling story arc and character- engaging level design.
This workshop is team-based to create a scaled-down version of a professional design environment. The team members will take on different roles: lead designer, art director, and so on. Each person receives a worksheet designed specifically for his or her role. Teams will be chosen by lottery, so it's perfectly OK to come by yourself. Each team will get a different game idea in a sealed envelope. Each idea is unique and is something that has never been developed commercially. The worksheets guide the teams through the process and help them to document their thinking. There are no pre-requisites. The only experience you need is a love of games.
Official Website: http://www.applygroup.com/LGF07.htm
Added by martinip on September 21, 2007