1 Warwick House Street
London, England SW1Y 5AT

The London Entrepreneur meetup group is for entrepreneurs at any stage in their venture to gather and discuss things related to launching and running a new business.

We also welcome people who work with entrepreneurs such as commercial bankers and venture capitalists. However, this is not intended to be a matchmaking event to get funding for new ventures.

Our goal is a broader one to facilitate networking between those who are creating and building new ventures, commercial and otherwise.

Our meetings are roundtable discussions where everyone gets to talk about what project they are working on and what help they are looking for.

There is one meetup a month, usually on the second Thursday of the month.

Meetings start at 7pm.

We hold the meetup in the upstairs room at The Two Chairmen pub. This is at 1 Warwick House Street (http://tinyurl.com/32...) just off Trafalgar Square.

Nearest tube station is Charing Cross.

Come out of Charing Cross into Trafalgar Square (using the underground exit that takes you to The Mall). The pub is on the south side of the square, next to the Thai Square restaurant.

We're on the first floor - turn left at the top of the stairs.

There is free parking after 6.30pm on the meters or on single yellow lines to the left of the Institute of Directors. Meetings start at 7pm and run till about 9pm (or later!)

Official Website: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/44/

Added by cvezey on March 6, 2007

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