London Calling Photographers is a group of photographers from London. The main target is to create a series of exhibitions, in order to gain attention on the quality of the "Londoners with Camera" as collectivity, and not just as single photographers
Members meet every fortnight, Wednesday evening, to discuss, propose projects and to host a session of "live critics" in which photos are actually criticized!
This time the theme for the live commentary is: "remembering"
Thanks to Kathryn
Remember that the live commentary is not an assignment. You do not need to bring a new picture with you, you can do if you want, but you can bring an old photo you want to receive some critics on. Please if possible bring the image on a memory stick or similar. Printed pictures are great too. An image shown on an Iphone probably won't do your picture justice.
Bring images on a USB stick or printed -even better- , thanks :)
This one will be the last of our meeting in 2009 - So come along to say hi and goodbye until next year, have few drinks and try Christmas Laura's muffins ;-)
Official Website:
Added by laura_eyedea on November 29, 2009