30 East Amado Road
Palm Springs, California

Come meet the newest, tour de force' and upcoming Sci-Fi Fantasy Author and Novelist, R.J. DeNardo as he signs his newest novel entitled The Andromeda Incident on July 12 th. from 5:30 until 7:30 p.m. at The Tropicale Restaurant 30 East Amado Road Palm Springs, California 92262 phone:760-886-1952

Please visit the Author's website at: http://sun-ergy.net/ero.aspx for full details about The Andromeda Incident
And to view its promotional video click on this link.

Thank you and Namaste' R.J. DeNardo.

About the Author: The Andromeda Incident is R.J. DeNardo's first novel. In 1990, he self-published a small book of poems and accompanying black-and-white photographs of Key West, Florida, where he lived for four years. This book is the culmination of a nearly one-year effort to develop it from a short story to a full-length novel. He is currently writing his second novel, a sequel to The Andromeda Incident, titled: The Captain's Propensity. The author is a professional wholistic therapist who lives and practices in Palm Springs, California. The Author can be contacted via email only at: daotaoist@yahoo.com

Official Website: http://goo.gl/wCkPI

Added by GetPromotd Services on June 27, 2012

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