Enjoy New Local Indie Rock Teen Sensation MOSQUITO This Saturday October 21st starting at 6pm .5 local Indie bands ..QA secret mystery band too big too mention in between tours.
If your in Los Angeles or Riverside area , get out of your town and take a early afternoon drive. There is a bar for those who are 21 and over with valid I.D.'s...
HOGUE BARMICHEALS 3950 Campus Drive in Newport Beach , CA 949-261-6270
$8 5 bands
Jugglers,Magicians,Boxers,Comedians,Fire-Eaters,Midgets and freaks invited.
Live Petting Zoo and traveling Dentistry also!
Local teenage rock band MOSQUITO debuts some new songs and plans to kick some a**! A few major labels are making offers for this band of 3 after hearing their demo and seeing them play live a month ago in a small club in Los Angeles.
If you like The Kills,Sonic Youth,Nirvana,Mudhoney,Smashing Pumpkins,Buzzcocks,Don Ho ,Butthole Surfers then you'll enjoy MOSQUITO!
See them now! Next month they go on a European tour and then off to Japan.
visit them at www.myspace.com/mosquitotheband or www.mosquitotheband.com
Also playing SMEAR ,Crumudgeon and more..
Show up early and sign your name and whatever you want on Smears car.
Mosquito was hatched and let loose to infect the world about 8 months ago . Due to boredom in their habitat of Orange County and a few failed attempts at becoming mad scientists with evil plots to take over the world , they decided to form a rock band.
Mosquito is made up of 3 multi-talented teenagers .Nigel plays guitar and does a lot of screaming .Sashelle plays bass and breaks lots of strings. Kim plays drums and is a karate expert.
Nigel sings funny , dark , loud , fast, and romantic songs about religion, love, angst, politics, tonka toys, lifes troubles and personal experiences.
Onstage he is like a mad Fabio from Orange County that lost his car keys and needs to use the restroom.
While the rhythm section of Kim and Sashelle looks like porcelain dolls that came to life to make havoc and create mischief.
If you took the White Stripes, The Kills, Smashing Pumpkins, Mudhoney,Nirvana,
and Wire and mixed with ice in a blender, you wouldn’t have a great mixed drink
but instead the Mosquito sound on the rocks.
Mosquito is constantly writing new material and changing their sounds.
A few influences besides the ones mentioned are The Cramps, Circle Jerks, Crime, Don Ho, Hazil Adkins , The Fall , Soundgarden , Pavement, Xtc , ABC, Black Sabbath , Radiohead , Germs, Menudo , Chavez, Pearl Jam and too many to mention. They sound nothing like their influences .
Their first show was on KXLU FM in Los Angeles . Since then , they have played at Hogue Barmichaels , AAA Elecktra , and opened up for William Tell of Something Corporate at the Galaxy and other venues in Orange County .
In June and July they are playing in Long Beach ,The Whiskey and The Knitting Factory in LosAngeles.
Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/mosquitotheband
Added by mosquito on October 20, 2006