., Maine

As consumers become more sophisticated searching for local businesses, accurate online local listings are a more critical part of any successful online marketing strategy. The possibilities are many, and the opportunities huge -- but how do businesses keep up with free online local listings? How do you update and correct data that may be syndicated across multiple sources?

In this webcast, industry analyst Michael Boland, Senior Analyst, Kelsey Group will cover:

• the current state of the local search markets, including recent industry research
• how consumers are searching at the local level
• how the role of free local listings is evolving
• how free online listings work
• how to find the source of your listings,
• how to update, correct, and maintain your listings.

Bryan Simkins of FedEx will present an illustrative case study.. Join us to learn more http://bit.ly/1thsL

Official Website: http://bit.ly/1thsL

Added by TMP Directional Marketing on May 18, 2009