College Street
Petersfield, England GU31 4NT

A route of such national importance attracted a diverse population of politicians, royalty, writers and people from all walks of life for whom the busy link between the capital and Portsmouth was vital to their economic success. Ranging from the great movers and shakers of history like Cardinal Wolsey, Thomas Cromwell and Clive of India through to writers including Flora Thompson and even scandalous events like the Rabbit Woman of Godalming, this course covers a broad sweep of history.

10 weeks on Tuesdays from 5 January, 2.00-4.00pm. Tutor: Jennifer
Goldsmith. Venue: URCH. Fee: £68. Course no: C3727140

More detailed outlines are available for all courses. These are normally handed out at the first session of the course. If you wish to receive a copy before the course/s you are attending begins, please enclose a SAE with your application form.

Classes are not normally held during half-term, 15-19 February 2010.

Course enrolment

You can enrol by completing the form attached and sending it with your cheque payable to WEA Petersfield Branch, to: Alistair Macartney, 3 Reservoir Lane, Petersfield, GU32 2HY.

You can enrol and pay by credit or debit card by telephoning the WEA Southern Region’s freephone number 0800 328 1060.

Our courses are becoming increasingly popular and applications are treated on a first-come-first-served basis. Priority will also be given to those offering support as volunteers. You are advised to book as early as possible.
To avoid disappointment you may wish to check with either Anne Langton (01730 890184) or Alistair Mazcartney (01730 300614) that the course is not full.

Because of the Christmas break it would be helpful to receive all postal enrolments for courses held in spring 2010 by Monday 21 December at the latest.

If you have attended a course in autumn 2009 and you have your ‘Learner Reference Number’ (at the top right hand corner of your copy of the enrolment form) please jot down the number and bring it along to your first class. You will then not need to complete an enrolment form.

Cheques are not banked normally until your course has started. We reserve the right to cancel a course in certain circumstances. If this happens any pre-payments will be refunded.

The standard fee for a 10-week course is £68. Tuition for all spring term courses is free for people who receive an income-related benefit or jobseekers’ allowance and their unwaged dependents. For more information please contact 0800 328 1060 or e-mail Calls are free of charge.

Please make your cheque payable to WEA Petersfield Branch and send to Alistair Macartney, 3 Reservoir Lane, Petersfield GU32 2HY by Monday 21 December. Please enclose a SAE if you wish to receive a receive a receipt. Thank you.

Added by on November 30, 2009

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