Do you know what you are putting in your mouth? Where did it come from and what’s in it? How far did it have to travel before reaching your table? Is it possible to have agriculture in DC’s densely populated suburbs?
Join Hui Newcomb, owner of Potomac Vegetable Farms, as she tackles these questions and talks about the benefits of locally grown food and sustainable agriculture.
Hui Newcomb and her late husband, Tony, began farming in Fairfax County in the early 1960s. They farmed rented land around the county, and finally bought five acres in Vienna in 1966. By 1970 the Newcombs gave up their careers and Washington house and became full time farmers. They sold their vegetables from a roadside stand along Route 7 in Vienna which is still in operation.
In addition to the roadside stand, the Potomac Vegetable Farm grows crops for sale at farmers markets and through an extensive Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. Today Hui still lives on the farm and works to provide healthy, locally grown produce to the community.
Added by khosen on January 22, 2010