401 W. George Bush Freeway, Suite 101, Richardson, Tx
Richardson, Texas 75080

You are invited to a wondeful event where local artists will display their work and donate a percentage of sales to Take Me Home Pet Rescue.
Types of artists include painters, photographers, and jewelry artisans. Great raffle items and a
silent auction table are also offered.
Thank you to Vision Bank who have shown their support every year by sponsoring this event.
Advanced reservations are only $20.00/person if paid using PayPal at www.takemehomepetrescue.com or $22.00 at the door.
This donation covers your drinks and hors d'oeuvres. 100% of proceeds benefit Take Me Home Pet Rescue. Your donations are tax deductible as applicable by law. Don't miss the opportunity to help those who cannot help themselves.
For more information email info@takemehomepetresuce.com or call 214.908.0074

Added by nikkiwilliamson4246 on September 20, 2010