Loaded and Payday at Lotus - Friday June 30
How much do we love Fridays at Lotus? On a scale of one to ten, we'd have to say.... hmmmmm - Loads.
Ever since Michael T. and the Loaded gang moved their rock'n'roll shenanegans to the downstairs room, and DJ Reflex started kicking things off with his mash-ups, hip-hop and house in the main room - we've been riding that feeling of unadulterated bliss that you can only get from a really good party. Can you feel it too? You can, can't you?
Downstairs is roped off for exclusive entry only by those on the guest list - so make sure you rsvp and tell the doorperson you are on the GBH list.
Checkout the pics http://www.lastnightsparty.com/howloaded/
Loaded is hosted by Cheeky B*stard, Tom & Alejandro GBH, Dagny, May, Joey, Daniel, and Bronques.
Payday is hosted by Tom & Alejandro GBH, Jeanette, Ruben & Noel, Mike DeGuzman, Steve M, and StarNYC.
Door by Eddie Q.
Doors Open 10pm
GBH $10 reduced admssion or more info www.GBH.tv
Ask for the GBH guestlist at the door.
For table / bottle reservations call 212-807-6795
General Admission $20
Lotus 409 west 14 st. bet. 9 and 10 aves.
See You There!
Added by Penstar on June 26, 2006