Loaded & Payday at Lotus - Friday August 18
It's Friday Night Rock'N'Roll Diso Time!!! The lovely Melody Nelson is DJing at our Loaded party this week - playing some... errr..... rock'n'roll.... errr...... new wave..... err...... electro..... errr...... and.... errr............ oh yeah, classics. There's a dancefloor, drinks specials, lastnightsparty.com taking pictures and some of downtown's most fabulous hosts - and it's all happening in the downstairs room at Lotus.
Checkout the pictures of the downstairs Loaded party from Lastnightsparty.com:
Drinks Specials in the downstairs lounge:
Half-Price 'Loaded' cocktails
While in the upstairs room, Payday is our longest running party we've ever had at any club ever - and it's still going strong. This week we have DJ Reflex to give us some mash-ups, hip-hop & house.
Door by Eddie Q.
Doors Open 10pm
GBH $10 reduced admssion or more info www.GBH.tv
Ask for the GBH guestlist at the door.
For table / bottle reservations call 212-807-6795
General Admission $20
Lotus 409 west 14 st. bet. 9 and 10 aves.
See You There!
Official Website: http://gbh.tv
Added by Penstar on August 15, 2006