1 LMU Drive
Los Angeles, California 90045

The Loyola Marymount University Family of Schools will hold a 5K neighborhood run/walk and public school expo on May 31, 2008. The 5K will take place throughout the Westchester neighborhood, starting at LMU at 8:30 a.m. and traveling past many of the schools included in the Family of Schools. There will also be an optional 1K around LMU’s campus at 10 a.m., designed for the children to run for fun with their parents. The cost to participate is $28 for adults, $23 for children ages 12 and under and $15 for the children’s 1K. All of the proceeds will go directly to the Family of Schools, which includes Westchester High School, Orville Wright Middle School and, Cowan Avenue, Kentwood, Loyola Village, Paseo Del Rey and Westpoint Heights elementary schools.

Combined with the 5K, the public school expo will be held on Hannon Field, on the LMU campus, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The expo is open to the public and will be fun for the whole family. In attendance will be different vendors and public school booths as well as bounce houses and other entertainment for children. The expo is now in its third year and expects a large turnout like years before. Prior years have attracted more than 1,000 people. The expo attracts families of more than 6,000 students who attend the local public schools, the participants of the 5K, as well as elected officials. The 5K and expo will bring together the local community in support of these public schools.

Added by lmunews1 on May 19, 2008