To coincide with the release of Ioke E which brings Java integration to Ioke, Ioke's creator Ola Bini will be presenting an introduction to Ioke, the expressive folding language that is inspired by Smalltalk, Ruby and IO.
Ioke runs on top of the JVM, has prototype based object orientation and a very small core. It a dynamic language that allows runtime manipulation of code but it is also an extreme experiment in trying to create a language as powerful as Lisp but whose source code is easily read, understood and written and which is as much fun to write in as Ruby.
Ola will be giving an introduction to Ioke and an explanation as to why he wrote it and what he regards as being Ioke's unique features. There will also be an update on where Ioke is and where it is going before some specific examples of how you can start writing Ioke for yourself.
Official Website:
Added by rrees on April 27, 2009