Liz Phair's 1993 debut, 'Exile in Guyville,' raised eyebrows with its no-holds-barred lyrics on sex and other taboos. She broke out briefly a year later with 'Whip-Smart' to both a more critical and a larger fanbase, despite her not touring and little radio airplay. After marrying in 1995, she worked infrequently on some new songs and finally issued 'whitechocolatespaceegg' in 1998. Her 2003 self-titled album boasts a more pop oriented sound, with tracks such as 'Why Can't I?' and 'Extraordinary' garnering wide radio airplay. In 2005 Phair released 'Somebody's Miracle,' and in 2008 she celebrates the 15th anniversary of 'Exile in Guyville' with an expanded reissue with bonus tracks.
Added by Upcoming Robot on December 5, 2010