1632 17th Street
Washington, District of Columbia 20009

join kimberly wilson for a 4-part series on living your yoga. during this series we will explore the yamas and niyamas (foundation of yoga's eight limbs), create a home practice, and start a meditation practice. we will also create yoga goals and support each other on our journey, complete with OMwork (homework in between sessions) and keeping a yoga journal.

each session includes an all-level practice and a mini meditation. bring a journal, yoga mat, pen, and beginner's mind. join for the full series for $100 or drop in for $30.

1/8 - week one: discuss the yamas (ahimsa, satya, asteya, brahmacharya, aparigraha) and how they apply in daily life.
1/15 - week two: discuss of the niyamas (saucha, samtosha, tapas, svadyaya, ishvara pranidhana) and how they apply in daily life.
1/22 - week three: learn how to structure and commit to a home practice.
1/29 - week four: learn the basics of designing a meditation practice.

Official Website: http://www.tranquilspace.com

Added by jhaile on December 29, 2008