join kimberly wilson and guests for a 4-part series on living your yoga. during this series we will explore the yamas and niyamas (foundation of yoga's 8 limbs), nutrition, and goal setting. we will also support each other on our journey, complete with OMwork (homework in between sessions) and keeping a yoga journal. each session includes an all-level practice and mini meditation. bring a journal, yoga mat, pen, and beginner's mind. join for the full series for $120 or drop in for $35.
1/7 - week one: discuss the yamas (ahimsa, satya, asteya, brahmacharya, aparigraha) and how they apply in daily life.
1/14 - week two: dr. rhodo nguyen will discuss superfoods, juicing, and basic supplementation. plus slow flow with guest melissa van orman.
1/21 - week three: discuss of the niyamas (saucha, samtosha, tapas, svadyaya, ishvara pranidhana) and how they apply in daily life.
1/28 - week four: 8 limbs of yoga: create and establish goals for living your yoga in 2010.
to sign up for an individual session click on the "CLASSES" tab and select "sign in." please call the studio if you need assistance. 202-328-YOGA.
Official Website:
Added by kettle.julia on December 30, 2009