Wallbridge - Loyalist Road
Belleville, Ontario K8N5B9

Living Today For Tomorrow
Sustainable Living Symposium
March 31st, 2007
Loyalist College - Belleville, Ontario
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Featuring a full day of speakers, demonstrations and exhibits on a variety of sustainable living topics including;

**Healthy & Energy Efficient Homes
**Green Energy Choices for the Homeowner
**Biomass for Clean & Renewable Energy
**Healthy, Green & Chemical Free Yards
**Local Sustainable Food Systems
**Innovative Farm Practices
**Why and How Organic?
**Reducing GHG Emissions; The Hybrid Vehicle
**Lightening Your Footprint

$30.00 per person
$20.00 student rate
(Admission includes lunch and refreshments)

For details on speakers and sessions visit the Frink Centre webpage at http://www.fofc.ca/symposium2007.htm

Spaces are limited and pre-registration is required!

Register online at http://www.fofc.ca/symposium2007.htm

Contact Name: Megala Bhuvendran
Website: http://www.fofc.ca/symposium2007.htm
Phone: 613-477-2828
E-mail: infofrink@fofc.ca

Official Website: http://www.fofc.ca/symposium2007.htm

Added by thegreenpages on January 2, 2007

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