25205 La Paz Road
Laguna Hills, California 92653

Knowing and understanding are different. Therefore, knowing about the law of attraction and living it are two different things. Go beyond mere knowing, and move into a deeper understanding. Discover how your own unconscious programming interrupts or blocks the natural flow of goodness in your life on a daily basis through unconscious living.

Come and learn:

• About other universal principles that drive the Law of Attraction
• How your degree of confidence impacts your life experience and how to move into “Authentic” Confidence
• How your unconscious mind produces unconscious thoughts and feelings that sabotage you
• About the attracting power in the Law of Opposites and how it affects your relationships

Please RSVP early to reserve your seat!!!

And YES, you are allowed to invite your friends and business associates! Be sure each person is RSVP'd to save their seats. We need their name and email address for seat confirmation.

About our Instructor:
Sensei Ron’s achievements, both in Hollywood and in athletics, drove him to wanting a deeper understanding of human potential and led him to an intimate relationship with the power of the mind and the Spirit. He is an avid student Universal Principles and a master at teaching the “Law of Attraction.” He has spent several hundred hours training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and is a Certified Master Practitioner. He also graduated with Honors from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute. As a life coach and therapist, Sensei Ron is a master at guiding people through personal breakthroughs to success & reaching their full potential.

Time: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
Holiday Inn
25205 La Paz Road (Justine Room)
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

RSVP shavonnegage@yahoo.com or call 949-689-5450

This event is sponsored by Quattro University.

Added by S. Gage on March 26, 2009

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