Have you always wanted to appear on NBC's "America's Got Talent" program, but didn't know where to start? Well, here's an opportunity to appear at the next best thing, the "Livermore's Got Talent" performance competition.
The competition is open to all ages and all S.F. Bay Area residents. Top winners in each age category - youth (17 and under) and adults (18 and over) - will take home $2,500. Applications are available at: LivermoresGotTalent.com. The application fee is $25.00.
The competition is sponsored by the Rotary clubs of Livermore. All proceeds will benefit the clubs' community grant programs.
This "NBC Bay Area" supported competition will feature singers, dancers, bands, pianists, magicians, comedians and other types of performances. Aspiring performers of all ages (not just the young) are encouraged to apply. Applications must be received by Jan. 3, 2009.
Each contestant is required to submit an audition video or a link to a YouTube video clip. The acts can be 2-3 minutes in length. All of the submitted videos will be reviewed and the first round winners will be invited to live auditions that are to be held on Feb. 8-9, 2009. The winners of these live auditions will move on to the finals.
The finals will be open to the public on Saturday, February 28, 2009, at the 500 seat Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center's Bankhead Theater in front of three Bay Area celebrity judges.
Additional sponsors include the Livermore Area Recreation and Park District and Waste Management, Inc.
Go to LivermoresGotTalent.com to get all the details.
Now's your chance to win fame and fortune!!! Go for it!!!!
$25.00 application fee.
Official Website: http://www.LivermoresGotTalent.com
Added by FullCalendar on December 4, 2008