633 W. 5th Street, Suite 6800
Los Angeles, California 90071


The entire world is closely observing the mess BP has caused in the Gulf of Mexico with what appears to be the worst and most disastrous oil spill in US history. There are conflicting reports as to how much oil is actually gushing out from the sea floor to who is actually responsible in cleaning up the catastrophe.

Though there are still many unanswered questions there is also a collective anger and resentment over the consequences of the spill, but also toward the seemingly casual pace in determining a workable solution.

What we do know is that this is a dire situation and the well has to be plugged.

Will this be one of the worst environmental disasters to affect our planet?

Join us June 16th at 4 PM PST where our participants will debate and discuss a range of topics regarding the BP oil spill right here on this page.

Added by thumperhop on June 14, 2010

Interested 1