Carmen Marshall, Founder of Live Well International, USANA Diamond Director, Fortune 25 and Million Dollar Club Member, is known for building strong and solid USANA business and team through her Wellness Seminar and Leadership Programs. She has recently opened up her entire training systems (Live Well International) to all USANA Associates.The two Live Well International Seminars created by Carmen Marshall - Nutrition Seminar and Health & Wellness Spa System - are a unique and effective way to build your business. 80% of my sales and great associates/leaders have come through the Live Well Nutrition Seminars and Health & Wellness Spas. The Live Well Seminars enabled me to go from Silver to a Diamond Director in 3 years, Million Dollar Club Member in 5 years. But most importantly they have created strong, solid leaders in my organization who are excited about what they are doing and how they are impacting others health and prosperity. - Carmen Marshall, Diamond Director, Fortune 25, Million Dollar Club MemberThe Live Well Health & Wellness Spa and Nutrition Seminar Training Weekend Retreat is a training that will help you in perfecting your skills in ALL aspects of your business no matter HOW you personally build the business. It gives you the foundational skills for everything when building your business in USANA - how to explain the products, the Dr. Wentz story, how to invite, how to lead people to buy, and most importantly, how to create leaders and strong, solid organizations.
Day 1 Road to Go-RED (Go Gold, Ruby, Emerald & Diamond) Inviting Health & Wellness Spa Training SellingDay 2 Nutrition Seminar Training Leading to Buy Follow-up Training Associates
Westin LAX, only $99/night!!!Click here to book your hotel at the Westin LAX
The Health & Wellness Spa Seminar was Live Well Internationals first seminar system and focuses on all 3 product lines in a interactive setting. This is NOT a Sense Spa party.(Sense Spa Parties are great and we recommend that you attend any trainings for Spa Parties as well b/c they deepen your Sense knowledge). However, Carmen's Health & Wellness Spa Seminar System is completely different and focuses on all 3 lines and the importance of being on the USANA Essentials and/or Health Pak 100, 1 or both EFAs, at least 1 USANA shake/bar per day and all Sense Skin & Body care line every day, for life :The Nutrition Seminar is Live Well International's second Wellness Seminar system and focuses on the "triad of health" - proper supplementation, low-glycemic eating and moderate exercise. This is a MUST attend seminar for those that want to consistently improve their own health, help others, and teaches cutting edge health information on nutrition, lifestyle and a deeper understanding of the USANA supplements, foods and Healthy for Life Program (RESET, Phase I and Phase II). Both systems are an educational and healthy lifestyle business model that have an incredible enrollment, duplication and retention rate. Your entire team will benefit both personally and professionally from the weekend as both systems round out our total health & wellness message. It will also teach you how to market to and work with ideal candidates for this system such as chiropractors, personal trainers, doctors, wellness practitioners, gym owners, Pilates instructors, etc. We highly recommend that you attend the whole weekend even if you thinkyou will only do 1 of the systems of above, as you need to know the information in both b/c they dovetail perfectly into each other. Day 2 will build onto Day 1, so please move heaven and earth to be at both if at all possible you will understand when you are there why its so crucial to be at both days. We will be focusing for TWO days on complete product knowledge, business building skills, personal development leadership skills to create strong, stable organizations with excited team members and motivated leaders! While coming to 1 day is better than nothing, we really, really encourage you to come to both as we know this is what will propel you to the next level. We also highly recommend that you stay at the provided hotel with your team Saturday night for networking, integration and rest : You will get more our of the 2 days by using this tipsee more tips below below.How will you and your team benefit from the Live Well International 2 Day Wellness Seminar Training Weekend? What will you LEARN?
How to explain the benefits of our products to anyone - in depth product knowledge of all 3 product lines USANA Supplements, Foods and Sense Skin and Body Health Line.
Understand how to eat for health, energy, immune system, maximizing performance/fitness and ideal weight in every day life!
Making healthy food choices when youre not at home - at restaurants, family gatherings. How to eat healthily and not feel deprived.
How to properly combine foods, when to eat, what to eat etc.
Explain the glycemic roller coaster/ index to anyone how and why it works in our body
How help your clients get phenomenal results on the products and stay on the products life-long as a healthy lifestyle.
How to invite compellingly so that your guests show up!
Learn how the top leaders invite. Role playing included!
How to attract excited, motivated associates and build large, successful teams (duplication and leveraging your time)
How to lead people to buy with ease (no tension!) and increase your conversion rates.
How to effectively follow-up.
Understand the different target markets for both Wellness Seminars and how to approach and work with doctors, chiropractors, wellness practitioners, gyms, yoga, pilates and fitness gyms, wellness facilities and salons/spas. (
Brainstorm, network and connect with USANA Associates and leaders for ideas.
Hear product and business experiences that will help you in your business. Interactive Q&A Sessions throughout the seminars
How to grow personally to become a Gold, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond Director and beyond!
And most importantly, how to build your business solidly and congruently while having lots of FUN!!!
Los Angeles Training Schedule:
Saturday 1st Day9am-10am Registration. Doors open at 9am for registration10am SHARP start(10am 12:30 Training(12:30-1:00pm Lunch 1:00-4:00pm Training(4:00-4:30pm QSunday 2nd Day9am-10am Registration. Doors open at 9am for registration10am SHARP start(10am 12:30 Training(12:30-1:00pm Lunch 1:00-3:30pm Training(3:30-4pm QThis training is fast paced and packs in a lot so be ready to learn, be inspired and then take action! Hotels: Live Well International has negotiated the best price possible and reserved a block of rooms. This is the location of the training and will sell out quickly, make sure to book your hotel at the same time you purchase your ticket. Use the link below to book your rooms now! You can also call the hotel and mention Live Well International.Westin LAX, only $99/night!!!Click here to book your hotel at the Westin LAX
Lunch: You have the option of bringing your own lunch (USANA Shakes and Bars!) and the hotel also has a restaurant to eat as as well.Parking: We were able to negotiate a rate of $15/day to park at the Westin LAX if you are driving, we suggest car-pooling if possible!Tips to get the most out of the Live Well Weekend Training!1. Attend both days. Dont make it optional for yourself or your team - you need to have both days for the knowledge, the shifting and the growing of yourself and business.2. Bring your TEAM. Commit to having your team there with you and watch your business explode when you all go to work after the training. Use this as a weekend retreat to grow your team!3. Stay at the provided hotel at LEAST Saturday night, even if you live close by. Whenever Carmen does business or personal development trainings herself, she has learned to stay at the provided hotel at LEAST the night between the 1st and 2nd day. It is so much easier for processing information that night, staying connected to the training (rather than going home and getting distracted by family and other commitments), connecting with other USANA Associates at the hotel, and feeling refreshed and rested for the next day. Dont underestimate the power of this one simple thing. To help you with this, weve negotiated huge discounts with the hotel for your rooms, so please take advantage of this as it gives us buying power for next year and allows us to keep the cost down of the tickets as the hotel sees that we are a good customer and they want to keep us :4. Set your intention before you come as to what you want to get out of the training.5. Bring USANA bars for snacks, a light sweater (if the room is cold) and your favorite pen for writing.6. Network and talk to as many other USANA Associates and Team Live Well Members (any USANA Associate worldwide that wants to use the Live Well Systems to grow their business) during the the weekend. 7. After learning how to do the Health & Wellness Spa and Nutrition Seminar, alternate between a Health & Wellness Spa and a Nutrition Seminar every week as they work beautifully in conjunction with one another. We will teach you how to best use both seminars to maximize your USANA business.What are others saying about Carmen's Trainings specifically successful leaders who have been using her systems. The following experiences will also help you define what YOU want to get out of the training. Its very powerful to come to a training with a clear intention (what you want to get from the training) because the subconscious will then focus on your getting just that :
"I LOVE it! This is the most comprehensive system I have seen."Tracee Gluhaich, USANA Gold Director, San Martin, CAWe were honored to be in the Live Well Training Seminar and we took away so much. Our journey has led us to you and Live Well is the component we have been looking for. Our intention has been to find the missing link and it showed up for us Saturday. We are looking forward to our journey with you and Live Well International. THANK YOU!Jim and Dian Fawver, USANA Ruby Directors, Albuquerque, NMI was attracted to USANA because of my desire to become healthier and leaner. I became a Certified Live Well Coach to help others transform their own bodies. Im forever indebted to Carmen Marshall and her Nutrition Seminar Train the Trainer Workshop for giving me the confidence and know-how to take control of my own health and inspire others to do the same. Learning how to deliver an inspirational, information-packed nutrition seminar has transformed my business. Instead of being viewed as the vitamin lady, Im considered first and foremost an educator, a guide. That makes it easier for me to attract people to USANAs wonderful products, and it also results in lots of referrals. The Live Well Nutrition Seminar creates passionate product users who truly understand the principles of good nutrition. What better way is there for us to change lives? Theres no better business tool than the Live Well nutrition seminar, and theres no better or faster way to master it than to attend Carmens Train the Trainer Workshop.
Ann Wolter - Director, Certified Live Well Coach, Denver, CO((
In addition, Carmen has launched her website, www.livewellintl.com which provides a Back Office Training Center for USANA Associates that want to use her systems to build their USANA businesses. See Live Well Store and then Memberships. You may choose from the Team Live Membership or Coach/Leadership Membership. Both training memberships will give you weekly consistent training, access to Carmens systems, documents, live and recorded weekly webcasts all to help support you before or after attending any of her training events.
Please note that any Live Well Train the Trainer tickets purchased are NON-REFUNDABLE. However, you may use any unused tickets towards a future Live Well Training event or sell personally to another USANA Associate.
Organized by Live Well InternationalLive Well International is a wellness, business and leadership development company with clients and Certified Live Well Coaches in five countries. Founded by Carmen Marshall, Wellness Expert, USANA Diamond Director, Fortune 25 and Million Dollar Club Member, Live Well International runs Wellness Seminars that focus on creating balance in nutrition, fitness, stress reduction, prosperity and purpose in life.
Team Live Well and Certified Live Well Coaches are USANA Associates who have partnered with Live Well as a Training & Leadership Development Company to create a part or full-time income utilizing Live Wells successful wellness business model and training systems. USANA Associates working with Live Well position USANA Health Sciences as their Product Partner, Dr. Ray Strand as their Medical Partner and Live Well International as their Training Partner. USANA Health Sciences supplies the highest-quality products on the market, Dr. Ray Strand supplies the clinically proven, science based health programs and Live Well supplies the wellness business and leadership training.
Team Live Well & Certified Live Well Coaches want to enjoy what they do everyday, feel like they are making a difference in people's lives, AND be able to live the very thing they are teaching every day - The Art of Balanced Living.
Ticket Info: - LA 2-Day Special Promotion Rate!, $162.98
- LA Saturday Only Special Promotion Rate!, $101.48
- LA Sunday Only Special Promotion Rate!, $101.48
- LA 2-Day Early Bird Ticket, $183.48
- LA Saturday Only Early Bird Ticket, $121.98
- LA Sunday Only Early Bird Ticket, $121.98
- LA 2-Day Regular Ticket, $203.98
- LA Saturday Only Regular Ticket, $132.23
- LA Sunday Only Regular Ticket, $132.23
- Extra Health & Wellness Spa Manual, $39.99
- Extra Nutrition Seminar Manual, $39.99
Official Website: http://livewellintl2009la-upcoming.eventbrite.com